Niles Elementary PTA
Welcome to the 2024-2025 School Year
Spirit Week
January 27-31, 2025
Donation Drive
Monday, January 27 - Thursday, January 30
science Fair
Feb 10th, 2025
Kangaroo Math contest
Hello Parents,
We are very excited that the STEAM club of PTA is providing our students & their siblings an opportunity to discover and foster their love for Math by hosting the Math Kangaroo (MK) contest. Math Kangaroo's mission is to help kids love Math!
Some features
* MK is an international mathematics competition. The exam is affiliated with the France-based Association Kangourou Sans Frontières and is applied in more than 90 countries with 6 million student participation across 1-12 grades.
* The annual Kangaroo Math competition takes place on the 3rd Thursday of March every year ( March 20, 2025.) It is a 75 min multiple choice test.
* Any student who can read and work independently qualifies for the exam. Each student receives a ribbon, a gift, and an electronic certificate.
* Each registered students get free access to online video questions and solutions from previous years. Regular registration fees are $18.
* Our school will host our students and their siblings at our school.
Read more about Math Kangaroo:
Here is the link to the registration process and the details:
Here are some links to student testimonials:
After receiving the registration confirmation email from Math Kangaroo, review the email to ensure all information is accurate. If something needs correction, you can log back into your account and update the registration or email Once your child is registered, you can enjoy free Math Kangaroo video solutions and access full questions and solutions sets with 50% off. Instructions on how to find the discount code:
For any questions or comments, please feel free to email STEAM parent volunteer:
Best wishes,
STEAM Team, Niles PTA 🐾💚
Niles Spirit Wear Store
The Niles Spirit Wear Store is now open! 10% of all sales go directly back to the school.
It’s spirit wear time! We are using a new company this year with 1st Place Spirit Wear! There are so many options to show your school spirit with over 150+ designs from t-shirts, hoodies and even hats! They are open all year so you can always come back for more gear!
Happy shopping!
Shop at
about the pta
Niles Elementary has an active Parent Teacher Association (PTA) that is well supported by the Niles community. The PTA sponsors a variety of activities including parent education, fifth grade promotion and much more.
Throughout the year the PTA organizes and coordinates events and activities that help enrich the students academic experiences. Volunteers can participate in a variety of these events and activities including room parent, site committees, Reflections, and more.
Niles PTA invites you to join us in making a difference in the education and quality of life for all our children. PTA meetings are normally held the first Tuesday of each month at 7:00 P.M. virtually on Zoom (for now until we can return to the Library - P6). All are invited and encouraged to attend! You are also encouraged to join the Niles PTA e-group to stay informed with the latest Niles PTA related communications.
Donations always welcome.
Please consider becoming a PTA member
We are looking forward to a year full of new experiences and would appreciate having your support.
Fall Cash Drive: Annual Fall Fundraiser
The Niles PTA is requesting your financial support to help support teachers and provide programs to our students. We suggest a donation of $50 per family, but everything helps!